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Brittle Prickly Pear cactus (Opuntia fragilis) |
Planning this walk had preoccupied me
for more than a year but a trail is always different from the image
built up reading books, maps and other people's blogs. One of my
favourite bloggers said he never got his feet wet once on the trail.
Each year is different in terms of frequency of storms, availability
of water, prevalence of forest fires, snowpack on the high passes.
One could design a grading system for
years which would describe my trip as Storms frequent, Water
plentiful, Fires non existent and Snowpack not a problem. Yes my feet
got wet. Maybe a category for bears and pine beetle should also be
added. But I'll stop before I spoil the story.
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The essentials |
A few things make me a little untypical
of a CT hiker. I'm 63 yrs old but I did meet others my age just not
many. I am not American, I didn't meet any other non Americans though
I know there were a few. The Colorado Trail Foundation website lists
two other hikers from the UK who completed the walk in 2014.
Big walks are becoming an annual event
for me since recent retirement. I completed the 500 mile Pyrenean
Traverse in 2012 and walked most of the GR5 in 2013.
I arrived in Denver about 8-00pm local
time. It took a while to get out of the airport. I stopped briefly to
note the hurricane shelter, I'd not seen one of those before. I had
an unexpectedly friendly chat with the immigration officer, previous
experience had prepared me for rudeness. His paliness was genuine. He
hadn't heard of the Colorado Trail but was interested.
The next surprise was a $3 charge for a
cash withdrawal from an ATM, surely just at the airport I wrongly
surmised. The next was that the bus into Denver would only accept
exact fare. I decided to take a taxi.
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My health and travel insurance from the British Mountaineering Council |
I could see rows of great thunder head
clouds where the Rockies should be. They weren't a surprise.
My hotel/ hostel provided further
culture tremors (rather than shocks). A friendly reception gave me a
key to a room. Every room on the floor had been kicked in and instead
of having a replacement lock had a cage door installed over it. Shit
I thought, that must be to keep the bears out, watch your valuables.
I was to excited to sleep immediately
but woke in the night to hear friendly conversation and lovely music
from somewhere not far away. I think it was shift workers having a
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Start of trail |
In the morning I approached the kitchen
tentatively...bears you know, but soon fell into warm conversation
and very strong coffee. I was mad keen to get on the trail though. I
knew I had to make some token effort to say hello to this interesting
(so I'm told) city but after breakfast in a diner near the mint
(which I didn't visit) I got a train out towards Waterton Canyon. I
made a series of silly mistakes resulting from not planning ahead how
I was going to get to the trailhead. I hadn't bought groceries in
Denver, thinking I could find somewhere along the line. I did but it
involved city walking in the heat of the day and another taxi to the
I reached Waterton Canyon about 2-00pm
and it was hot as hell (so was I) and no shelter for six miles.
Little black flies like houseflies were everywhere and I soon found
out that they bite even through thin clothing. I found nothing
interesting about those first miles but fell into conversation with
some cyclists near the Strontia Springs dam. I impressed them with my
stories of the Tour de France. It seemed incredible to them that only
a few days earlier I could have been watching the race in a place
called Europe.
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The trail is well marked. |
I hiked on a few miles more to Bear
creek. There were three young people camped there already but they
didn't mind me setting up nearby. They explained that I could follow
the creek back to the reservoir and have a dip and a wash. I had read
in blogs that bears had recently been a nuisance in this area and
duly hung my food from a branch but nothing was going to disturb my
sleep, not even the high jinx in the neighbouring tent.
Day 2
No condensation in the tent, food still
where I hung it. Silence from the neighbours so I took care not to
disturb them though I felt odd about heading off without a farewell.
Porridge for breakfast would become the norm. The guide book divides
the Colorado trail into 28 segments. It is easy to think of these as
day walks but they are not. They are routes between trailheads i.e.
places where the trail crosses a road or track. Trailheads often have
toilets, parking space and notice boards. Starting day 2 I had 8
more miles to go to complete segment 1, and I was hoping by the end
of the day to have completed segment 2,, oh mice and men.
The next stop would be the South Platte
River trailhead which looked like a popular spot. I crossed the river
and sat down to enjoy lunch. A few distant rumbles of thunder were
audible but no rain. Did I say no rain? The clear skies filled
quickly and the archetypical afternoon storm that I had read about
broke. I hunched under my umbrella and sat it out for a couple of
hours. The next stretch was uphill for six miles with no campspot on
the way. I got about a mile when the storm broke again with heavy
hail and decided to retrace my steps to the trailhead where I could
camp for the night. It was a wet slippery return.
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Woodland camp |
I found the campsite and two tents
already there. I put mine up in the rain and climbed in but the rain
didn't last much longer and I got to meet my fellows who were two men
of my age from Boston who were themselves walking the full trail.
They went ahead of me in the morning
and curiously I never saw them again. It is common on long trails to
keep bumping into the same people, not because you are walking close
behind or in front but because everyone takes occasional days off.
Later in the walk I would get to know some hikers quite well through
crisscrossing interactions in towns or campspots (even though they
were much younger and faster than me) rather than walking together.
My friends from Boston must have kept there heads down and moved
speedily ahead, which was fine as I didn't like them.
Day 3
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Heart leaved Arnica ( Arnica cordifolia) |
I was feeling the need to get a few
miles under my belt. Today with the uphill ahead I was feeling the
drag of my pack. Despite wishing to be a lightweight backpacker I
never really achieved it. But I was starting to see some wildlife.
The area, I was warned, would be bleak as there had been a large
forest fire here but I think it was recovering well. Lots of old dead
tree trunks but ground cover popping up. This was the only day on
which I saw eagles. I saw deer and was scolded by a couple of
kestrels. I had never heard of kestrels scolding humans. The path
must have come close to their nest. I didn't understand what was
happening at first but they started to swoop towards me calling.
Reminded me of the behaviour of terns. I met a hiker coming the other
way who told me of seeing a bear with her cub. He was carrying about
5 litres of water which surprised me. He was just entering a ten mile
stretch without water that I was coming out of but two litres had
seen me through.
It is always good to meet people coming
the other way so you can ask about such issues as availability of
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Hooded ladies Tresses (Spiranthes romanzoffiana) |
I was coming up to a road near a fire
station at Buffalo Creek. There is an outdoor tap on the wall at the
back of the station where hikers top up. Another mile would see the
end of segment 2. I sat under some trees to snack. I saw a creature I
still don't know the name of, some sort of cricket/grasshopper that
leaps very high making a wild clacking sound like a Chinese
firecracker. It doesn't just leap up and down but seems to be able to
give itself another spurt without landing. Its action is totally
random and at times later in the walk I've nearly been hit by them.
Well that piece of excitement over and along comes a runner. I had
seen her earlier going the other way. She told me she was training
for a 100 miler, not the Leadville 100 but another one. She had
already completed four 100s. We discussed blisters and chafing which
were starting to be significant issues for me.
I had another 8 miles to go to my
planned stop and blisters were becoming a problem. The area I was
passing through was reminiscent of Cornwall and its granite tors.
Here was an abundance of large rounded granite structures. The
weather broke again. No thunder this time, not for me anyway, though
other areas were getting a pasting. It was well into the evening when
I arrived at Cross Meadows campground. These campsites are like
nothing you see in Britain. They are full of large trailers and
campervans spread out over a large area of woodland. It looked like a
major hike to find a reception. Fortunately the people I asked for
directions invited me to camp on their patch. As this must have been
a quarter of an acre I wasn't going to be in their way. Again I hung
my food on a tree close to the bear-proof rubbish bins and slept well
while the skies opened.
Everyone I met on my walk was
scrupulous about filtering water from streams. The dreaded gardia
seemed to stalk the trail. I carried chorline tabs but tended not to
be worried about high up fast flowing streams unless there was clear
evidence of livestock which there very rarely was. But hand hygiene
didn't seem to have the same importance. None of the public toilets
at trailheads or this campground had washing facilities.
Day 4
My plan today was simple. Start slowly,
rest a little, walk 5/6 miles to a spot near a creek near a road from
which I could hitch into Bailey. I needed to get a grip on a few
issues. I was carrying a heavy pack but didn't have the basic
essentials to deal with chafing clothes and blisters. I'd bought food
for a few days but I was going slower than hoped, partly because of
the weather, and I was running out of oats and meths.
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Trail passes through a rifle range. |
Off I went about lunchtime, slowly up a
river valley. I stopped by a nice deep pool for a wash and felt
relaxed knowing I had stacks of time. The trail took me through a
rifle range which, this being Sunday, was busy. I trusted they were
all shooting in the other direction. I found the campspot mentioned
in the guidebook and set up camp. The weather was glorious but the
stream here was very low, but usable. I was the first to arrive of
several people who would camp here that night so a sociable evening
lay ahead.
The first was Brian. Brian was
exhausted. He had just completed 22 miles and was carrying a very
heavy pack. I think he was also suffering from the altitude, though
we were only just above 8000ft. He was carrying a bear proof
cannister for his food. I had considered getting one and decided
against it on grounds of weight and cost but it was
interesting to see one. I didn't meet anyone else using one. We
talked about guns, immigration and the British NHS. He thought the
NHS was under political control and you needed to be on good terms
with your local politicians to get decent care. He was a true
believer that the state was a necessary evil and only an armed
citizenry could keep it in check. I really enjoyed Brian's company
and was sorry not to bump into him again.
I was carrying a satellite beacon, as a
safety precaution, which had a texting facility enabling me to send
messages home and also to upload my position to Facebook for friends
to see. There are a couple of brands popular with hikers. Brian
carried one like mine and another hiker passing through our camp also
had one. The other thing we had in common was that we were hiking
solo. I don't think I met any solo hikers who weren't taking this
A young couple from Denver arrived and
set up. They were just out for a long weekend tramp and were useful
for local knowledge and bear stories. I also found out at this stage
that since I had started walking there had been two deaths and
several injuries from lightning strikes in Colorado. The big storm I
had stopped in two days previously had been lethal. I was warned, pay
serious attention to storms above the treeline. I had grown up with
the message 'don't shelter under trees in a storm'. The advice here
was “make a bee line for the tree-line if caught out on a ridge”.
Day 5
It was a short walk to a dirt road that
led into the small town of Bailey about 8 miles from the trail. A dirt road with no noticable traffic on it. My guide book also
suggested that Bailey was only good for 'gas station snacks” I
wanted oats, bread, meths, coffee and especially vaseline.
After about ten minutes a car
pulled up and offered me a lift. He took me in, told me the history
of the town, fed me a few more bear stories, and directed me to the
general store and the gas station. He said if I was ready to go back
to the trail in 30 minutes he would take me back. I was going to have
my shopping done and be back on the trail for 10.00 am.
If you ask for meths in Colorado you
get funny looks. Denatured alcohol can be bought at chemists but on
the trail hikers look for garages to buy Heet. Heet is pure
methylated spirit which is added to the petrol tanks of sporty cars
that, in freezing weather, get crystals in their carburettors. This
comes in a yellow bottle. There are also red bottles of Heet for
diesel vehicles but that is something else. In 30 minutes I did my
shopping and fell in love with Bailey.

I walked 10 miles along the trail that
day through Lost Creek Wilderness, another slow day. I found a spot
with a mobile signal and phoned home. A few miles further on I caught
up with the Denver couple (Dave and Michelle) I'd met the day before.
They were going slower than me, I was glad somebody was, but I
enjoyed walking with them. We broke through the tree-line to
wonderful open meadow and set up camp in woody patch near the stream.
This was the most beautiful spot I had yet seen on the trail. I
hadn't learned to read the landscape properly yet and didn't
appreciate that I was now in the beaver's territory. That winding
stream, those ponds, the low willow scrub were the product of
beavers. It is really something to be in a landscape shaped by a
mammal other than man.
It was the flora and fauna of the
Rockies that really told me I was far from home. There were many
plants I had never seen before though a few that I had. Cranebills
that I am familiar with in my back garden were common. I had never
seen a humming bird before but one came right up to my face.
The paths for the first few days had
been compacted granite gravel and hard as walking on a road. I was
glad to be into wilder country.
Another curious thing I noticed. My
water tube has a magnetic clip on it so that it can attached to my
rucksack. Often it would trail on the ground when I sat down. I
didn't mind but it was permanently covered in magnetic dust and
gravel that it picked up. This would continue to be the case
throughout the walk.
There was a big storm during the night.
Day 6
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Mistmaiden (Romanzoffia sitchensis) |
I had a slow start as I had to take
time to dry out my tent and sleeping bag. I also had a wash in the
stream and washed my socks. I was now in the Six Mile Meadow. Six
miles of beaver ponds and scrub willow taking me up to 11,000 feet.
The morning was beautiful and once over the top was downhill
zigzaging through woodland to a steam at the bottom. I tried having
lunch here (near Long Gulch trailhead) but the flies were bad. I was
now into segment 5. I was moving fairly steadily though had to
stop a couple of times for hailstorms. Thunder was the music of the
afternoon but I felt safe in woodland. However the ground started to
rise again but by then the storms had passed. It was late when I
stopped to camp at Rock Creek. It was a lovely little spot though not
far from a house and there was a bit of rusty old metal rubbish
nearby. I had got my tent up when another hiker came along, a hairy
young man. We chatted for a bit. He was moving fast and aiming to
complete the trail in 20 days. His pack was much lighter than mine
but he was also carrying an umbrella, just like mine except that his
was a Golite and mine was a Rohan though clearly off the same
assembly line. He gave me his trail name, Macbeth, but declined my
invitation to join me as he hoped to do another mile or two before
I actually saw a lot of Macbeth over
the next few weeks as he took a week out of the hike. Although he was
much faster than me we arrived in Durango within a day of each other
and celebrated our achievement together
Day 7
I packed my tent wet deciding to stop
in some airy spot and dry it there. I often do this if the morning is
dull or I'm in woodland where drying will be slow. Macbeth hadn't
actually gone much further and I reached his camp while he was still
packing though he soon overtook me and was off like a hare. Saw a
Blue Jay.
I was heading towards Kinosha Pass.
Kinosha Pass is the trailhead nearest to Jefferson, another possible
resupply spot. Jefferson is South Park of irreverent cartoon fame
though it consists of a cafe and a garage. It didn't take long to get
a lift though I was sat in the back of a pickup with a couple of
large dogs. I had brought an ereader with me and I think it was
climbing into the pick that I broke the screen.
I ate a big lunch at the café but the
selection of food to buy wasn't great. There were three other hikers
there walking together. They were good company for an hour but had
decided to camp by the store for the evening. One had used it as a
post drop and asked his family to post him some AA batteries. They
sent a box with about 100 batteries in it which he was going to be
unable to use or carry so he was offering batteries to anyone who
wanted them. I took 4 but don't think I used them.
My lift back to the pass was with a man
installing solar panels. He explained the system was very popular on
outlying farms where mains electricity would be very expensive to
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Rain droplets have frozen over night on my rucksack cover. |
He dropped me at the pass where another
hiker, in a silly hat, asked me how easy it had been to hitch into
Jefferson. Americans don't mind silly hats as long as they are light
and keep the sun off. In my experience French hikers by contrast like
to wear very smart hats... just saying. I told him it was easy and
headed off. He had seemed little agitated and I left him to it. But,
as with Macbeth, RJ (as he was known) was someone I would get to know
well and become fond of.
I walked another 6 miles and camped by
Jefferson Creek. I had passed Deadman's Creek deciding the name was
uninviting. I noted in my journal that this was a very uncomfortable
night comparable to another uncomfortable night I had spent on the
Cuillin Ridge on the Isle of Skye, but the memory of it is gone other
than that in the morning the rain cover on my rucksack was covered in
frozen droplets.
Day 8
Today was to take me up to 11,874 feet,
at Georgia Pass the highest point yet. It was a long slow haul and I
was in need of a bit more oxygen than available. I was passed by two
others on the way up. The first was Eric who I met again at the top.
The other was a guy who offered to trade dope for food. I wasn't
interested in his dope but offered him some food but he said he would
wait for me at the top. He didn't.
Eric was an economics professor who was
trying to do the trail at speed. However he acquired a knee injury
and had to drop out the next day at Breckenridge. He walked most of
the next day in pain.
The views at Georgia Pass are
magnificent. I was starting to develop side effects of the altitude,
getting a dark cluster of spots in the vision of my right eye. This
was quite distracting but it passed in 3 or 4 days.
It was a long decent from Georgia Pass
taking us down below 10,000 feet again. There was a good campspot at
Swan river. This was an area where parties came out to play with
their all terrain vehicles. I lit a fire and had a pleasant evening.
Two other hikers camping in hammocks set up near by and lit a bigger
fire and the sound of revellers carried on through the night. It was
fine by me.
Eric had gone ahead coming off the pass
but his knee injury slowed him down and we camped in the same area.
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My Guyot from Georgia Pass |
Day 9.
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Colorado Colombine (Aquilegia coerulea) |
We had about 13 miles to go to reach
the Breckenridge trailhead where a free bus will take you into town.
On the way there we would complete the first 100 miles of the
Colorado Trail and climb another 1200' hill. The decent to the
highway was horrible leading to a RV camp. I'd not seen an RV yet.
I had come to see wilderness and
although I enjoyed the human scale of places like Bailey and
Jefferson I didn't want to stand on a busy highway waiting for a bus.
Eric had contacted his parents who were picking him up in
Breckenridge so I left him at the side of the road and headed back to
the trail.
The area around Breckenridge suffers
appallingly from pine beetle. Dead trees are everywhere collapsed at
awkward angles as the heart is eaten out of them. The damage across
Colorado is phenomenal. Millions of trees along the sides of a wide
valley will be dead. The thin lodgepole pine is often left standing
waiting for the fire which will clear the forest. Larger trees twist
and buckle. You can lie in your tent at night and hear trees fall.
Some of the camp-spots listed in the guidebooks are unusable either
from the fear of falling trees or because the ground is criss-crossed
with fallen trees making it difficult to put up a tent.
This was a damp summer which had two
major advantages. The first that there was water in streams that
might normally be dry at this time of year and second that the
massive fires that will eventually clear all this dead wood are
delayed a little bit longer.

I had another 1000 feet to climb before
descending into the valley I would camp in. I camped by a small
stream in a lifeless and depressing wood. The only signs of movement
were the dots in front of my eyes.
Day 10.
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Dead lodgepole pine |
I was infected by the bleakness of the
place when I rose. Porridge and off but a few hundred yards I met
Bibs who had camped further along the stream. I hadn't noticed her
arrival. She was another speedy hiker and with a 2500' ascent to
Tenmile ridge I wasn't going to try to keep up with her. It was a
long haul up to the ridge. Human contact blew away the dead forest
I met a family group near the ridge. One Deb was walking the
whole trail and the others were accompanying her on a day hike. They
had a sweet little dog with them. They steamed off ahead of me but I
would see Deb again. Coming the other way I met a group of three
women about my own age. They were Coloradoans walking much of the
trail. One was a Trail Angel, Addy. It is the privilege of Trail
Angels to allocate trail names and she named me 'Mr Oddity'.
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Tenmile Ridge |
I met Bibs again at the top and we
walked down the other side to Copper Mountain, a ski resort, where we
had lunch together. It was larger and busier than I expected. She
was young and chatty and talked about things I knew nothing of, like
baseball. We carried on for another 6 miles where I stopped to camp.
She ploughed on and our paths didn't cross again
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Towards Kokomo Pass |
Between Searle Pass and Kokomo Pass popular with mountain bikers
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Common red paintbrush (Castilleja miniata |
Day 11
Today starts with a long hike to up
above 12000' to Searle Pass, Elk Ridge and Kokomo Pass. The area is
not to distant from Breckenridge and is popular with mountain bikers.
The path stays above the tree line for quite a few miles but
thankfully there were no storms. Though it rained heavily in the
evening. This was a glorious day with bright sunlight and expanding
vistas and plentiful water stops.
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Kokomo Pass |
This was another spot popular with
cyclists and at the top some of them were showing signs of oxygen
deprivation as they were day trippers out from the towns rather than
long distance travellers getting acclimatised to the altitude.
I met Addy and her companions again at
Kokomo Pass. And walked with them to a camp spot at a creek. This was
back down at 10,000', below the tree-line. It was still early
afternoon but they had decided to set up camp. I gave my feet a good
chilling soak in the creek and played my whistle for a while before
setting off again.
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Addy, a Van Morrison fan |
The path takes you through the old Camp
Hale military camp, used to train mountain commandos during World War
2. I expected it to be a bit more interesting than it was. Here the
path started to climb again and it started to rain. I walked another
couple of miles to a campspot. There was a tent already in place so I
called to the occupant asking if they minded me setting up beside
them. It turn out to be Deb who said she would be glad of the
The rain eventually ceased and we lit a
fire and yarned well after nightfall.
Day 12.

It wasn't long before someone stopped.
This was a gentleman in a fairly posh car who didn't quite understand
that I was walking to Durango and was offering to take detours to get
me closer to my destination. He described himself as an entrepreneur
and talked about the opportunities presented by the legalisation of
marijuana in Colorado.
He dropped me at the tourist office in
Leadville and drove off. In the office I realised I'd left my walking
poles in the car. Walking up the street I met my entrepreneur walking
towards me with my poles. He had spotted them in the car and turned
I found my way to the hostel though not
before another driver stopped and gave me advice about camping spots,
cigars and oral sex. This was an interesting town.
I LOVED Leadville hostel. No-one hiking
the CT should miss this stop. It was very homely with BB King music
playing continuously. The hostel owner was very helpful though just a
little prickly. He went through a routine of explaining the rules and
facilities to every visitor and you could imagine him getting fed up.
I could dry out my sleeping bag in the yard. I could borrow town
clothes while putting everything in the wash and I could borrow a
bicycle for getting around town.
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Leadville Church |
RJ turned up as did the two hammockers.
There were a few interesting characters staying at the hostel and I
was tempted to stay another day but resisted.
The town had lots to see and buy but
one of the benefits of hiking is that it is easy to resist the
temptation to buy anything you are going to have to carry. I dined at
the Golden Burro, a lovely spot. My only comment is that a salad that
is mostly cheese and ham shouldn't really be called a salad.
Leadville ouses history. The town is
not 200 years old but mining here has transformed the landscape
mostly by hand. Fortunes were made and lost. Life was cheap and the
history of misery and exploitation can't be romanticed. Jesse James
passed through. I couldn't look at the spoil heaps without seeing the
thousand of human ants who broke their lives here.
I had a long chat in the dorm with a young man of 18 who had decided to abandon the trail. I wasn't sure whether to console him and tell him he was doing the right thing or to try to encourage him to continue. He said sure people would be impressed if he walked the 500 miles but people were impressed anyway that he had walked more than 140 miles.
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Leadville railway station in the evening light. |
Day 13
I got a lift to Safeways early with an
interesting evangelist who was vigorously campaigning against
divorce. His car was covered in posters describing divorce as
adultery. He was very helpful to me and despite being totally at odds
with his beliefs I found him congenial company. I don't think he was
trying to convert me so he was spared the disappointment of failure.
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Anti divorce campaign car. |
Over breakfast I talked to a resident
who was doing genealogical research. He had found an ancestor called
Daniel Malone who left West Meath for Virginia in 1642. There is a
story behind that somewhere.
We returned to the hostel where I
packed up. I walked out the road to hitch a lift back to Tennessee
Pass. The day was getting very hot. A woman and young child gave me a
lift. I enjoyed their company and they were in much more straightened
circumstances than me so I regretted not offering generous payment
for the lift. It is amazing how much you can get to know of someone
in a short lift.
At Tennessee Pass I found a box of
trail magic. Trail magic is food and drink left by the side of the
trail by some good person for the benefit of hikers. This particular
box, I found out, was kept supplied by Leadville Hostel. RJ got a
lift from the hostel to the pass by the owner coming out to restock
the box. If I hadn't been impatient to leave I'd have had a lift with
The next few miles were plagued with
mosquitos. I met Jim who was hoping to get to Lake City but running
out of time. He had climbed, over the years, all the 14000ers in
Colorado. RJ caught us up and we eventually set up camp together at
the high point around 11500'. We had looked at a spot near a
Porcupine Lakes but the mozzies were intolerable. As the light
started to go we could see distant lightning but could not here
thunder. It was quite magical after a glorious sunset. Jim recited a
poem and I played a couple of tunes on my whistle. Shooting stars
confirmed the evening to be a good one.
Day 14
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I managed to photograph this moth at the point of take off from my leg |
RJ stormed ahead today planning to get
up Mount Elbert. Jim and I started together talking about the
supermarket retail business until he decided he need to move more
quickly. I don't think it had anything to do with the conversation.
The weather broke badly in the afternoon with hailstones the size of
marbles. I made it to Mount Massive trailhead, where a large Moose
deer grazed close to my tent. I had done about 18 miles which was
good for a day disturbed by hail showers. On the way down to the
trailhead I met a man walking with his son, maybe 12 years old,
walking up. They were heading to a campspot to spend the night before
climbing Mount Massive in the morning. The boy already had a nasty
graze on his forehead from slipping crossing a stream. I asked him if
he had damaged the rock he hit but neither her or his dad appreciated
the joke. I do hope they bagged their peak.
The two mountains, Massive and Elbert
tower over this stretch of the trail towards Twin Lakes. I still had
a mind to climb one or two of the great 14000ers but was finding the
job of walking the trail satisfying enough.
Day 15
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RJ or as he calls himself now Dr No |
At Twin Lakes the trail divides in two
providing a variant route (Collegiate West) for 82 miles through the
Collegiate peaks. This is a wilder and more remote route than the
traditional route which most hikers still use. I had been debating
with myself for a while as to whether or not to go this way. I was a
little frightened. This route would take be up above the tree-line
for many miles. As dangerous storms were a reality I couldn't ignore
and resupply points fewer and further between I was slow to opt for
this route. But had I come to Colorado to settle for second best?
What likelihood I would ever be back.
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Avalanche meadow, you can see how it got its name. |
I headed off for Twin Lakes for a
restaurant lunch and hopefully buy food and fuel for a few days. I
met John who was in training for the Leadville 100, probably the
premier cross country race in the world. He had a few more scary
lightning tales. Lightning had definitely replaced bears as the
biggest hazard. After lunch RJ moseyed into town and we had a beer
with a couple of other hikers. We were all thinking Collegiate West
but I was planning a little shortcut. I saw no point in walking the
long around the lakes to get to the trail to Hope Pass when I could
join it more quickly going in the other direction. For the others
following the route according to the book was important. So we
parted. Having sat in blazing sunshine enjoying a beer half an hour
earlier I was now in another downpour with lighting burning the sky
like an arc welder.
Determination had set in and threats
from the thunder god were not going to turn me around.
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Grave |
It was a long 3500' climb to Hope Pass.
It was pissing down and the ground was rough. I decided to stop at
Avalanche Meadow at about 11000'. I met a couple of rangers who were
looking for a group of English people who were late in returning from
a day hike. Then I bumped into an English man who was looking for a
route back to the trailhead. I set him straight.
By the time I reached Avalanche meadow
the rain had stopped and I set up camp. Near to where I camped was an
old grave (I assume it was real), a long overgrown pile of stones
with an improvised cross on it tied with a strand of leather. Yes I
was in the Wild West.
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Grave at Avalanche Meadow. |
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The Collegiate Peaks from Hope Pass |
Day 16
18 miles today over Hope Pass (in
bright sunshine) and Lake Ann Pass (in a thunder storm). Fantastic
views of Mount Hope, Mount Huron and the Three Apostles and a long
valley walk before a brutal climb to Lake Ann Pass and a further four
miles to anywhere suitable for camping.
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CDTer with Mount Hope in the background. |
The climb to Hope Pass from Avalanche
meadow was glorious on gentle switchbacks. I met a guy at the top
coming the other way on the Continental Divide Trail, typical of
CDTers over 60 and lean as a stick. I got his picture but don't
remember his name.
I found the climb up to Lake Ann Pass
(12588') quite a struggle. I was very tempted to stop at the lake
where camping would have been simple rather than climb a further 800'
up a bouldery slope. The path through the scree wasn't clear as a
couple of the switchbacks were concealed by snowpack. About halfway
up the slope a thunder storm came in very quickly. It was short but
nasty and right on top of my head. I don't think I have ever been
closer to lightning strikes. I was in exactly the situation that I
should have been trying hardest to avoid.
I didn't know at the time but RJ had
reached the lake and set up camp while I was on the scree. He found
the experience of the storm frightening enough from there.
I crossed the pass watching the storm
move on. I was left in bright clear air with the setting sun bringing
out the full texture of the landscape and helping me dry off.
I had 1500' of decent and a 4 mile hike
to reach my intended camp-spot. As I went on the paths were rutted by
trail bikers and my campsite was barely suitable and offered no views
or pleasure. I just got the tent up in the last light of the evening
and went quickly to sleep.
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Coming down from Lake Ann Pass |
The amazing thing about adrenalin is
that it works. I can be stumbling along under the weight of my pack
feeling I can't go much further when something happens to give me a
fright, maybe just a stumble. Then I'm off with renewed energy hardly
knowing I have a pack on my pack.
Day 17
I packed up quickly and walked a short
distance to a point where I could be cheered by the rising sun. I
brewed up and had breakfast there and managed to get my tent dry. The
trails for the nest few miles were grim as this was an area used by
trail bikes. Often the trail was so rutted I had to walk off if for
safety. I only met one rider though and despite warnings I had heard
about riders being hostile to walkers I saw no sign of this.
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Elephant's head Lousewort (Pedicularis greenlandica) |
After about 5 miles the trail signs
started to disagree with my book. The little gem of a guidebook that
everyone uses is the Colorado Trail Data Book. This is small and very
well designed but you do need to make sure you have the most up to
date version as the route can change year to year. I did have the
latest version but a newer one was needed to account for the most
recent change. Alongside the data book I was using a gps loaded with
waypoints downloaded from the Colorado Trail Foundation website.
Other hikers I met were using an app on their Iphones. An
idiosyncrasy of the data book is that the waypoints in the data book
are not the same as the waypoints you download. At this point my
waypoints were right and my databook was wrong and would be for a
good few miles.
However, let it be said that the new
route is a big improvement. It is six miles uphill from the turn-off
to Cottonwood Pass. I was worried about water. I wanted to camp as
close to the pass as I could but near a stream. On the way up I met
an interesting group coming down, a man two young girls (say 10 and
12 yrs) and two dogs. They told me they had walked from the Mexican
border along the CDT. I don't know whether to be sceptical or amazed.
But they were able to reassure me there was plenty of water ahead.
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View from Cottonwood |
I crossed a couple of streams but set
up camp at the next not wanting to risk going much higher. I was at
the tree line. There was a suitable spot so I stopped and put up my
tent though it was still early evening. No sooner was my tent up than
I heard a voice and along comes RJ. I invited him to join me but he
wanted to go a bit higher and look for a better spot. He found one
about a half mile further on so I packed up and joined him. It was an
ideal site. We lit a fire.
Day 18
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RJ on Cottonwood summit |
I headed off first in the morning but
RJ caught me at Cottonwood Pass. There was a road at the pass and a
number of cars parked. The weather was wonderful and we enjoyed a
leisurely walk to the peak at at about 12500' and took some
photographs. We were both nervous about the weather realising that we
would be on or near the ridge for the whole day and subject to
whatever the weather threw at us. We could see the early signs of
building cumuli. Further along we met a woman on her own with her
tent spread out to dry. We stopped to chat and told her we didn't
want to stop to long. She had a bad knee and could only walk slowly. She was walking with a friend who had gone on ahead but would
be waiting for her. They had walked from Twin Lakes and were going to
Monarch Crest following the Collegiate West route.
We carried on and about a mile further
on met the other woman. We strode on briskly. I could keep up a good
pace with RJ until we hit an incline and then it was my heavy pack as
much as my age that slowed me down.
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Refuge from a storm |
The path started to switchback up to a
pass rising to 12800'. I would never become so acclimatised that I
was unaffected by this altitude and my progress was slow. I could
hear the first rumbles of thunder as a storm cloud started to grow
overhead. I carried on up watching the cloud drift away. But the
cloud was growing faster than it was drifting and was over my head
when I reached the pass. Great views but no lime to linger for
pictures. RJ had probably gained a mile on me by now but waited for
me at the shoulder of Mt Kreutzer.
We sat for a while snacking and
watching the build up of thunderheads. There were two distinct
stormclouds which looked as though they could eventually merge and we
speculated on what that would mean. It didn't take long to find out.
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Seeds of the storm |
It was raining heavily as we set off
along a very stony path in a barren landscape. Again RJ pulled ahead
and I was doubting the wisdom of trying to cross the next pass.
Lightning flashes were happening every few seconds and I could see
bolts hitting the ridge above me. I became obsessive about counting
the seconds between flashes and thunderclaps.
I rounded a bend near some bushes and
heard RJ call me. He was crouched in the bushes for shelter. I joined
him. We sat on his mat and cowered under my umbrella considering what
our next move should be and wondering what was happening with the
women we had met.
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'Wounded Knee' |
Soon we couldn't discern a time gap
between the lightning strikes and the thunder and decided to make a
b-line downhill in the hope of getting to some trees. We got
absolutely soaked but found a spot and in pouring rain got our tents
up. To much excitement. And we had only done 9 miles which would mean
running low on supplies.
Day 19
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Oh Shit! |
The weather still looked a bit
uncertain in the morning but we packed up and made our way back
uphill to the trail. Our target for the day was to get to St Elmo for
resupply. St Elmo is an old ghost town where a general store and B+B
have been reopened. The first ridge over a shoulder of Emma Burr
mountain would take us back up to 12800'. We met another CDTer on top
and stopped for a chat. RJ ploughed on but I decided to stop in this
airy place to dry out my tent and sleeping bag. I saw no point in
carrying unwanted water.
I took the next stage at a stroll
trying to relax and enjoy the mountains rather than churn up miles
and the gap between these ridges was wonderful. But once over the
second ridge I had a drop of about 2000' taking me well below the
tree line and onto a dirt track where I hoped to pick up a lift to St
Elmo. There were a few things wrong with this plan. Firstly there was
very little traffic apart from ATVs. In fact I had stumbled into a
ATV convention. Secondly the only food available in St Elmo was hot
coffee and bars of chocolate. But the gods were watching.
After about 30 mins a vehicle did stop
and offer me a lift. This was a couple out from Denver on a weekend
of ATVing though their vehicle doubled up as a 4 wheel drive. The
road was a mess and the ride very bumby. They gave me a bag of trail
mix and told me some lightning stories though I now had enough of my
own. When I got into St Elmo I met RJ and the two women we had met on
the trail. RJ had renamed the one with the bad knee as 'Wounded
Knee'. They had had a rough time in the storm and decided to abandon
the walk. They had arranged for a lift to pick them up and take them
They also gave us their spare food and
there was lots of it and it was good. So despite St Elmo being
absolutely the wrong place to go to resupply we walked out well
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RJ with Wounded Knee and her friend. |
We had a very cheery time chatting with
our new friends while they waited for their lift. But soon RJ and I
had to go back to the trail. RJ went first. I followed about 30mins
later by which time the rain had started again. I didn't get a lift
on that road despite being passed many times so ended up walking 4
miles back to the trail in the pissing rain but guess who has got an
umbrella. I noticed that I was walking much more strongly at this
lower altitude.
I got to the trailhead, found a very
good camp-spot and set up camp. No sign of RJ but I was sure I hadn't
seen the last of him.
Something twanged one of my guy lines
during the night and I started to reconsider bears.
RJ contemplating an easier way of getting to Durango
Day 20
Dank horrible low mist. I wondered how
long this bad weather was going to continue so I texted home and
asked my partner to check out the weather forecast for this area. The
reply came back;-
storms for 7 days except wed when rain likely all day.
very encouraging.
I set
off uphill into the mist hoping it was going uphill to, it was. I
climbed about 2000'. Eventually the path started to follow on old
mining railway track downhill all the way to a trailhead eight miles
from my start. The rain came in heavy again but I set off slowly.
There was another high pass coming up at Chalk creek and I was
nervous of crossing it in uncertain weather. I met a camper at
Hancock lake. He had set up his tent not expecting to go any further.
We talked for a while and the mist on the pass lifted. I decided to
go. I got over without the feared storm sneaking up on me and
proceeded down the other side. The walk downhill was unpleasantly wet
but the path eventually turned into a track and I came upon two log
cabins. I looked in the first on wondering if it would make
accomodation for the night though I had ideally planned to walk
another few miles to Boss Lake reservoir.
cabins were a mess but in the second one I found RJ huddled in his
sleeping bag trying to get warm. He had gone uphill from the
trailhead the day before and had a cold miserable night. He was now
very tired and very cold. I decided to set up nearby. I didn't fancy
a cabin and put my tent up, though a night in a cabin would have been
more comfortable, shit I'm a hiker.
I fed
RJ cups of tea and we chatted into the evening. By morning he was in
flying form again.
RJ and I set off together but he broke
ahead on climb to the top of Bald Mountain past Boss Lake. This
was a 2000' climb by a very beautiful route that wound about a bit
and past further lakes levelling out for a time before throwing
another steep ascent at me. It was a tiring climb.
Once up the path stayed up above 11000'
for 12 miles. Much of this was along a ridge with fantastic views
which included the views of building storm clouds. I felt nervous in
such an exposed position and didn't linger though the opportunities
for photography were enticing. The drama of the sky was as
picturesque as the landscape.
The path eventually leads to the
Monarch Pass ski resort and again meanders around the resort rather
than offering a direct route. This is not an interesting part of the
I was still carrying a wet tent but it
wasn't until I got close to the highway that I felt comfortable about
stopping to dry it. The threatened storm hadn't materialised and the
sky was now bright.
After drying the tent and having a bite
to eat I followed the trail to the highway and found a suitable spot
from which to hitch a lift. It hadn't been part of my plan to go to
Salida. I thought it just to far from the trail at 22 miles but there
was another 100 miles of trail to Lake City which was my next
resupply point.
After a while a magnificently large and
shiny cattle truck pulled up and offered me a lift. The driver was a
Mormon who explained to me that he had passed a hiker a little way
back up the road and felt bad about missing an opportunity to do a
good deed. He believed there was a purpose in our meeting and told me
much about himself, his family and recently deceased father who had
been the same age as me. He dropped me in the middle of Salida. I
asked for directions to the hostel which was about 10 mins walk from
where I was dropped.
When I got there that bad penny, RJ,
was checking in and for a moment it looked as though he had got the
last bunk.
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